Professional liability covers vicarious liability for the insured. Markel Specialty's professional claims associates are experts at successfully resolving sensitive claims involving children, and will handle your claim with discretion and tact. Markel Specialty offers this hard-to-find, critical coverage for situations that can be traumatic. (Per occurrence is the maximum amount paid on a covered individual claim aggregate is the maximum amount paid on all covered claims combined, within the policy period.) Markel Specialty offers limits up to $1 million per occurrence/$3 million aggregate. Commercial general liability insurance protects you if you are sued by someone who claims that your negligent acts resulted in their physical injury or damaged their property. Work with one of our specialty agents to get a quote.Ī must for all museums. Let us help you customize your insurance needs. The museum insurance experts at Markel Specialty understand this. Markel Specialty offers insurance protection for more than your valuable collections, such as coverage for your employees and volunteers, special events, vehicles, buildings and grounds, domestic and international transits, and much more.Īll of the many, many parts of a museum’s intricate inner workings should be covered by customizable, flexible, and affordable insurance. In what other business does “priceless” actually have to be quantified? Or where “pairs and sets” have a higher intrinsic value than combined value of the individual pieces? Or welcomes busloads of school children to visit for the morning? And what other organization routinely ships off pieces of its valuable inventory to be displayed somewhere clear across the country? To learn more, see all of Nolo's articles on Unemployment Benefits.Like any other business or organization (including other 501(c)3’s), you probably carry standard property and liability insurance, but you are definitely not a standard business. You won't meet these requirements if you turn down a job that's suitable. To collect benefits, you must be able, available, and actively seeking work. You might even lose your benefits if you decide not to accept your employer's offer to come back. Although you can collect unemployment while earning small amounts of money, you will no longer be eligible for benefits once your earnings reach a certain threshold. If your employer calls you back to work, your benefits will end. As long as you meet these requirements, you should be eligible for unemployment. You will also have to show that you earned a minimum amount and/or worked for a set period of time during the "base period": the first four of the last five complete calendar quarters before you file for benefits. It sounds like you meet this requirement. Typically, you have to show that you were not at fault in losing your job (that is, you were not fired for misconduct and you did not quit without good cause). Whether or not your employer eventually asks you to come back, you meet the legal definition of "unemployed" right now.Īlthough unemployment laws are fairly similar from state to state, there are variations in the rules about who is eligible to collect benefits. You are out of work, through no fault of your own, and not receiving pay during your layoff. The purpose of unemployment is to tide workers over during temporary periods of unemployment, until they find new work. Yes, you can still collect unemployment even if your layoff might not be permanent. Can I still collect unemployment if they might call me back to work? Answer: You can still collect unemployment even if your layoff might not be permanent. My manager said they might rehire me in the fall, depending on how much business they have booked and how they are doing financially. Six months after laying off the temps, the company also laid off 20 regular employees, including me. But business slowed down more than expected after the holidays this year. Usually, the company hires temporary help for those few months.

The business is seasonal, with much more work in the few months before Christmas. I worked on an assembly line for a toy manufacturing company. Question: Can I collect temporary unemployment if I may be called back into work after a layoff?